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Database Queries (34)

  2. SHOW TABLES LIKE '%_jreviews_config'
  3. SELECT value FROM e1xlz_jreviews_config WHERE id = 'cms_secret'
  4. SELECT name FROM e1xlz_jreviews_addons WHERE state = 1 ORDER BY ordering
  5. INSERT INTO e1xlz_jreviews_config ( id, value ) VALUES ('last_cache_clean','1715885201') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = VALUES(value)
  6. DELETE FROM e1xlz_jreviews_registration WHERE session_time < 1715881601
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  9. SELECT criteria_id FROM e1xlz_jreviews_criteria_ratings
  10. INSERT INTO e1xlz_jreviews_config ( id, value ) VALUES ('ranks_rebuild_last','1715885201') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = VALUES(value)
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  19. SELECT count(*) FROM e1xlz_jreviews_categories AS JreviewCategory WHERE = 10 AND JreviewCategory.option = 'com_content' AND JreviewCategory.criteriaid > 0
  20. SELECT FROM e1xlz_jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory LEFT JOIN e1xlz_categories AS Category On = WHERE JreviewsCategory.`option`= "com_content" AND Category.published >= 0 AND Category.access IN ( 1)
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  22. SELECT groupid FROM e1xlz_jreviews_groups WHERE groupid IN (1) AND type = 'content'
  23. SELECT Field.fieldid AS `Field.field_id`, Field.groupid AS `Field.group_id`, AS ``, Field.title AS `Field.title`, Field.showtitle AS `Field.showTitle`, Field.description AS `Field.description`, Field.required AS `Field.required`, Field.type AS `Field.type`, Field.location AS `Field.location`, Field.options AS `Field.params`, Field.contentview AS `Field.contentView`, Field.listview AS `Field.listView`, Field.compareview AS `Field.compareView`, Field.listsort AS `Field.listSort`, AS ``, Field.access AS `Field.access`, Field.access_view AS `Field.accessView`, Field.published As `Field.published`, Field.ordering AS `Field.ordering`, `Group`.groupid AS `Group.group_id`, `Group`.title AS `Group.title`, `Group`.name AS ``, `Group`.showtitle AS `Group.showTitle`, `Group`.ordering AS `Group.ordering`, `Group`.control_field AS `Group.control_field`, `Group`.control_value AS `Group.control_value` FROM e1xlz_jreviews_fields AS Field LEFT JOIN e1xlz_jreviews_groups AS `Group` ON `Group`.groupid = Field.groupid WHERE Field.published = 1 AND Field.location = 'content' AND Field.groupid IN ( 1)
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  27. SELECT rating_range, count(*) AS count FROM (SELECT CASE WHEN ROUND(rating,1) > 0 AND rating < 1.5 THEN 1 WHEN ROUND(rating,1) >= 1.5 AND ROUND(rating,1) < 2.5 THEN 2 WHEN ROUND(rating,1) >= 2.5 AND ROUND(rating,1) < 3.5 THEN 3 WHEN ROUND(rating,1) >= 3.5 AND ROUND(rating,1) < 4.5 THEN 4 WHEN ROUND(rating,1) >= 4.5 THEN 5 END as rating_range FROM e1xlz_jreviews_comments WHERE pid = 67 AND published = 1 AND mode = 'com_content' AND rating > 0 AND author = 0 ) AS ReviewRange GROUP BY rating_range
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  29. SELECT AS `Category.cat_id`, ParentCategory.lft AS `Category.lft`, ParentCategory.title AS `Category.title`, IF(JreviewsCategory.page_title <> '',JreviewsCategory.page_title,ParentCategory.title) AS `Category.title_seo`, JreviewsCategory.title_override AS `Category.title_override`, ParentCategory.alias AS `Category.slug`, ParentCategory.description AS `Category.description`, ParentCategory.level AS `Category.level`, ParentCategory.published AS `Category.published`, ParentCategory.access AS `Category.access`, ParentCategory.params AS `Category.params`, ParentCategory.parent_id AS `Category.parent_id`, ParentCategory.metadesc AS `Category.metadesc`, ParentCategory.metakey AS `Category.metakey`, IF(ParentCategory.metadesc <> '' AND JreviewsCategory.desc_override =1,ParentCategory.metadesc,ParentCategory.description) AS `Category.description`, JreviewsCategory.criteriaid AS `ListingType.listing_type_id`, JreviewsCategory.tmpl AS `Category.tmpl`, JreviewsCategory.tmpl_suffix AS `Category.tmpl_suffix`, JreviewsCategory.dirid AS `Directory.dir_id`, Directory.slug AS `Directory.slug`, Directory.title AS `Directory.title`, Directory.description AS `Directory.description` FROM e1xlz_categories AS ParentCategory INNER JOIN e1xlz_jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON = AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = 'com_content' LEFT JOIN e1xlz_jreviews_directories AS Directory ON JreviewsCategory.dirid = WHERE ParentCategory.path IN ( 'frontpage-blog') ORDER BY ParentCategory.lft
  30. SELECT AS `Review.review_id`, AS `Review.listing_id`, Review.mode AS `Review.extension`, Review.created AS `Review.created`, Review.modified AS `Review.modified`, Review.userid AS `Review.user_id`, AS `User.user_id`, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH( THEN ELSE END AS ``, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(User.username) THEN User.username ELSE Review.username END AS `User.username`, User.block AS `User.block`, AS ``, Review.ipaddress AS `User.ipaddress`, ReviewerRank.`rank` AS `User.reviewer_rank`, AS `User.review_count`, Review.title AS `Review.title`, Review.comments AS `Review.comments`, Review.posts AS `Review.posts`, AS `Review.editor`, Review.published AS `Review.published`, IF(Review.rating=0,"na",Review.rating) AS `Rating.average_rating`, Review.vote_helpful AS `Vote.yes`, (Review.vote_total - Review.vote_helpful) AS ``, (Review.vote_helpful/Review.vote_total)*Review.vote_helpful AS `Vote.helpful`, Review.owner_reply_text AS `Review.owner_reply_text`, Review.owner_reply_approved AS `Review.owner_reply_approved`, Review.owner_reply_created AS `Review.owner_reply_created`, Review.media_count AS `Review.media_count`, Review.video_count AS `Review.video_count`, Review.photo_count AS `Review.photo_count`, Review.audio_count AS `Review.audio_count`, Review.attachment_count AS `Review.attachment_count`, Review.listing_type_id AS `ListingType.listing_type_id`, Review.owner_reply_approved As `Review.owner_reply_approved`, Review.owner_reply_text As `Review.owner_reply_text` FROM e1xlz_jreviews_comments AS Review LEFT JOIN e1xlz_users AS User ON Review.userid = LEFT JOIN e1xlz_jreviews_reviewer_ranks AS ReviewerRank ON Review.userid = ReviewerRank.user_id LEFT JOIN e1xlz_content AS Listing ON = LEFT JOIN e1xlz_jreviews_listing_totals AS Totals ON Totals.listing_id = AND Totals.extension = 'com_content' LEFT JOIN e1xlz_jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON = Listing.catid AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = 'com_content' WHERE 1 = 1 AND ( = 67 AND Review.mode = 'com_content' AND Review.published = 1 AND = 0 AND JreviewsCategory.option = 'com_content' ) ORDER BY `Review.created` DESC LIMIT 5
  31. SELECT groupid FROM e1xlz_jreviews_groups WHERE groupid IN (1) AND type = 'review'
  32. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM e1xlz_jreviews_comments AS Review WHERE 1 = 1 AND ( = 67 AND Review.mode = 'com_content' AND Review.published >= 0 AND Review.ipaddress = '' )
  33. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM e1xlz_jreviews_comments AS Review WHERE 1 = 1 AND ( = 67 AND Review.mode = 'com_content' AND Review.published >= 0 AND = 0 AND Review.userid = 0 )
  34. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM e1xlz_jreviews_comments AS Review WHERE 1 = 1 AND ( = 67 AND Review.mode = 'com_content' AND Review.published >= 0 AND = 1 AND Review.userid = 0 )